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Monday, November 10, 2014

No More Stinky Milk!

When donating any recycled material such as milk jugs, glass containers, or plastic containers please thoroughly clean them.  I have been collecting milk jugs for an art project and my room is starting to SMELL like spoiled milk.

I figured I would take the time now to recommend an easy way you can clean these containers BEFORE sending them to school with your student in four simple steps. A quick rinse is not enough!

Step 1:
Fill empty jug half way full of hot water. Replace lid, swirl, and dump out the water

Step 2:
Put a drop of dish soap inside of the jug.  Fill half way with hot water again.  Replace lid and SHAKE jug.

Step 3:
Place jug under running tap water until the soap overflows and only water remains in the jug

Step 4:
Dump water out of jug and take a sniff - if it smells anything like what was in the jug before, repeat steps 2 and 3.  If it smells like nothing you are done!

Please, please, please for the sanity of your art teacher and her sense of smell do this before sending milk jugs (or donated containers of any kind)!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Your trash, our treasure!

Currently, we are working with paper mache and are in desperate need of newspaper. The digital age of reading material is great for the environment but the art department is feeling the pinch! If you still get a physical newspaper and are done reading it, please drop it off to one of the art teachers here at Fegely!

Other items we could use:

  • Clean, empty plastic containers with lids like yogurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc...
  • Coffee cans with lids (the plastic foldgers kind is the best)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines (school appropriate)
Thank you for helping out Fegely Art!